Sunday, May 25, 2008

Camping and Blogging

Have been using the family vacation in Minnesota as a time to catch up a bit. I was surprised to find that the campground we are in has wireless. I can blog from Kamp Dells in Waterville, MN which is a sure sign that wireless internet has become the norm. This is reassuring to me because my internet usage has increased greatly in the last two years and now I am awfully lost without some sort of connection.

I have found that reading the student blogs for the course is reassuring, nice to hear other people's frustrations and discoveries! Putting all those feeds in to my reader at once was tiring though. Wasn't so long ago and I was really amazed at RSS, and now I find myself thinking, "Isn't there and easier way to do this?" So greedy!

I've also been wrestling with the decision of what to print and what not to print with the course readings. I read so much on a screen these days that I think I could avoid printing all of the readings out. There's something to be said for reading on the subway or anywhere you want, though, and I can't afford a kindle quite yet. Maybe someday.

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