Thursday, June 26, 2008

Library Thing

Have been reading the Wealth of Networks for LIS 2000 and thinking about the types of volunteer production that Benkler attributes to the networked information economy.

In the context of library-like activity this had lead me back to the librarything website. I haven't been spending a lot of time at the site recently because these days between my full time library job and school, I don't want to spend my downtime cataloging, but I had some fun reading the blog and catching up with some of the exciting things happening on this site.

One cool thing I found was the i see dead people's books project, in which librarything members catalog famous people's book collections using source bibliographies of various types.

If you are signed in to your librarything account, the main profile page will tell you if you have any books in common with the famous people in question. Also you can see author clouds and a list of what librarything would recommend to the likes of Thomas Jefferson, Sylvia Plath, or Tupac Shakur. Good nerdy cataloging fun, and one could imagine useful to scholars and fans.

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